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Frequently asked questions

Is QuickPlan free to use?

Yes, QuickPlan offers a free version to all users.

How does QuickPlan ensure the quality of its recommendations?

We carefully curate our listings based on user reviews, professional critiques, and our own quality checks.

What type of businesses does QuickPlan work with?

We partner with a diverse range of businesses, from local eateries and family-run attractions to popular venues and tourist hotspots, to offer our users a wide variety of choices.

Can businesses run promotions or special offers through QuickPlan?

Absolutely, we encourage our partners to run exclusive offers through QuickPlan, which can be promoted via our app and other marketing channels.

Can I use QuickPlan outside of the UAE?

Currently, QuickPlan is designed to cater to users within the UAE, with plans to expand to other locations in the future.

How can I list my business on QuickPlan?

We're excited to partner with new businesses. Please visit our 'Partners' section or contact us directly to get started.

Is there a fee to join QuickPlan as a business partner?

We offer various subscription plans tailored to the needs of businesses of different sizes and types. Contact us for detailed pricing and benefits.

Do you offer phone or chat support?

Yes, you could contact us directly through our Whatsapp, Email or any of our other socials, please head over to our 'Contact' page for more info.