About QuickPlan



Birth of the QuickPlan app concept.



Development phase begins for the QuickPlan project.



QuickPlan officially launched in September of 2023

Our Story

Our journey began with a simple question: What should I do today? The answer led to the creation of an innovative app that curates personalized activities and dining options based on your unique mood, budget, and availability.

But we're more than just an app. We're a community. A collective of adventurers, foodies, explorers, athletes, relaxation seekers, and everyday individuals all united by one simple question: 'Where should I go?' By partnering with a diverse range of businesses, from hidden gems to renowned landmarks, we ensure that every recommendation on QuickPlan is nothing short of exceptional.​

So, dive in. Unearth the hidden treasures of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and beyond. With QuickPlan, your next unforgettable adventure is just a few taps away.​

Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey.

Word from the Founder

Dear Friends,

​The birth of QuickPlan came from a simple observation: in a world filled with endless choices, sometimes what we truly crave is a little guidance. Whether you're feeling indecisive, bored, or simply open to trying something new, QuickPlan is designed to serve you.​

It's not only about exploring or adventuring; it's about rediscovering joy in the everyday. About turning an ordinary day into something memorable. Whether you're in the mood for a tranquil evening, a sporty outing, a family-friendly event, or even a gastronomic delight, QuickPlan has got you covered.

​Behind the scenes, we've partnered with a diverse range of businesses, ensuring that the recommendations you receive are tailored, timely, and top-notch. Each suggestion isn’t just a random pick; it's a carefully curated choice, reflective of your mood and preferences.

​As we continue to shape and refine QuickPlan, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for joining us on this journey. Your stories, feedback, and the simple joy you find in our recommendations are what drive us forward. Here's to making every moment count, effortlessly!​

Warm regards,​
Ahmad AlHabbai